Welcome to the Placements Hub at Indus College of Commerce! Our commitment to providing holistic education extends beyond the classroom, ensuring that our commerce and management graduates are well-equipped to embark on successful career journeys.

Why Choose Indus College of Commerce for Placements?

  1. Industry-Relevant Curriculum:
    Our programs are designed in collaboration with industry experts, ensuring that graduates are equipped with skills aligned with current market demands.
  2. Dedicated Placement Cell:
    Our Placement Cell is driven to connect students with the right opportunities. From resume building to interview preparation, we provide comprehensive support.
  3. Strong Industry Network:
    Benefit from our extensive network of industry connections, offering insights, internships, and placement opportunities.
  4. Alumni Success Stories:
    Explore the success stories of our alumni who have excelled in diverse fields, proving the effectiveness of an Indus College of Commerce education.

Placements Process

  1. Pre-Placement Training:
    Engage in workshops and training sessions covering resume writing, communication skills, and interview techniques.
  2. Industry Interaction:
    Attend guest lectures, seminars, and industrial visits to bridge the gap between academia and the corporate world.
  3. Internship Opportunities:
    Avail internships with renowned companies to gain practical experience and enhance your skill set.
  4. Placement Drives:
    Participate in on-campus placement drives where leading companies scout for top talent.
  5. Career Counseling:
    Access personalized career counseling services to align your career goals with your strengths and aspirations.

Our Recruiters

Discover the esteemed companies that have recruited our commerce and management graduates, providing them with opportunities to thrive in their respective fields.

Connect With Us

For inquiries related to placements or to collaborate with our Placement Cell

Please contact:

  • Email: info@induscollege.in
  • Mobile No : +91-9100393328
  • At Indus College of Commerce, we are dedicated to empowering our graduates to succeed in the dynamic world of commerce and management. Join us and embark on a journey towards a fulfilling and successful career!